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The Green Gardener

Follow our blog on all things gardening and grow your own, from "How to's" to interesting facts and recipes you can make with your home grown garden produce.
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February...Spring is on it's way...I promise!

Well we have done it! We have made it through the bleak, long and dark month of Janaury. The month we all dread so much. The month that follows the colourful and coziness of the Christmas season.

So yes, we have done. Now we are through with the Janaury diets and the motivattion to give up booze we can start to think about being normal again and gaining some motivation to get out and start to think about our gardens.

Signs of Snowdrops have started to peer through the somewhat soggy and still a little snowy in places ground so we can and should be starting to think about how to improve our garden this year.


I asked the guys from Gardening Express Limited the award winning online Garden Centre what they are doing right now and how we can kick start the colour for the fourth coming gardening seasons?

They answered: "when plants are not active we are busy mending fences and other little jobs like that, it's also a good time to plant hedging and bare root plants".

I also asked how we can kick start the colour for the fourth coming gardening seasons, the guys said "plant any bulbs like daffs that did not get in before Christmas (we still have some!) and start planning for the year ahead".

We like the Woodland Bulbs from Gardening Express, especially the Crocus Sieberi Firefly. 

Here are 3 other jobs to be geting on with right now in your own garden:


1. Prune that gorgeous purple climber, Wysteria. Prune to 3 or 4 buds, pruning of Wysteria now, will not only control shape and size but it will enhance that purple bloom. If you are unsure of how to go about pruning your Wysteria then simply click here for a guide on how to do so.

2. Prepare vegetable beds ready for the growing season ahead whatever your soil type digging in compost, mushroom compost or a well rotted horse manure will help by breaking down soils, improving nutrient content, helping with moisture and so much more. Covering veg beds with plastic sheeting or cloches will warm the temperature of the soil and so make the perfect ground for planting seeds such as broad beans, carrots and hardy peas. Don't forget to order enough compost for sowing your summer bedding.


3. Cut back any Autumn and Winter flowring shrubs and plants. Check around the garden for any plants that may be water logged. Make sure plants are supported and replace any damaged stakes. Make sure you are on the look out for those little rabbitts too, have you fenced them out securely enough?  Make sure you have or they will be nibbling on everything they can get their little bunny hands on.

I hope my February blog motivates you to get excited and start work on your outdoor space like I will be this weekend.

The 5 Step Garden Makeover